
The harrowing tales of a grad student cum adjunct. My musings, rants and diatribes against the Ivory Tower, state funded education and people, who may include students, who irritate me.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

So I know that I have not updates this blog in awhile, but I have a crazy reason. My summer school class, they were cool and smart and never gave me a lick of trouble. I was so happy that I did not have much to write about for weeks, but fall semester will start in a few weeks so I will solve that problem soon. My summer school class was a mere 11 people who all came to class all the time, who did all of the work that they were asked and never complained. In a word they were a miracle. I introduced a concept; they got it and applied it. They revised draft upon draft without it being asked or assigned, and they were thoughtful and sincere in their leaning. I figure a class like this comes along maybe twice in a lifetime and I am sad to see them go, I know that the fall will not hold the same, so I must gird my loins (metaphorically of course, I have no loins) to face yet another semester of some great students and some mind numbingly irritating ones. But I get my own office and a decent salary, so I think that I will get along just fine.

I did just receive my invitation to academic hell beginning next week, two full days of meetings! Why, I ask, is it necessary to have three general faculty meetings within two days time? What in the world could we possibly need to know that it takes three damn meetings to get it across? And then I have new faculty meetings, who I have been told, will be two hours of them telling me how I need a grade book and what to put in my syllabus. Are you fucking kidding me? I know I should sit and be nice but give me a break, I have been teaching for eight years, I know what to put on my syllabus. But I guess it will give me something to blog about! I will let you all know how it goes, particularly the financial stuff since I have no idea what the hell a 401K is nor what it does.


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