
The harrowing tales of a grad student cum adjunct. My musings, rants and diatribes against the Ivory Tower, state funded education and people, who may include students, who irritate me.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

So thank god vacation is almost over and summer school is about to start! I know that sounds weird but I honestly need something to do, the whole staying home watching bad daytime TV is just not going to work or me. I would be a terrible housewife, I wonder how people do this, of course if they have small children they don’t have time to be bored. What the hell if they have children small or otherwise they don’t have time to be bored (well maybe if they are like ready to graduate HS or something). Of course my vacation has been also interrupted by illness and students wondering why they in one way or another did not pass. I had one very polite but still astonishingly forward email from a student asking why they failed because
“i feel like I did better than what i recieved on my final grade a D”

Of course I emailed back that he got a zero on the final because he and another student had the exact same, word for word, incorrect essay portion I never heard from him again. I guess it should not still amaze me that students think that they won’t get caught, and I am irritated that they thought they could pull this one over of me. There were only 25 students in the damn class, like I am going to miss two students who wrote the same damn thing, especially since they were so grossly incorrect. I’m trying to let it go, it’s really not my problem anymore.

The good news is that I have a full time gig next year, yeah me! This means of course that I need to finish the damn diss, and I am doing everything in my power to not write. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s fear of finally finishing and being a “real” grown-up, I don’t know if I am ready for that. But that too will evaporate. I can already feel myself embracing the dark side of being faculty. I swore I would not become the type of faculty I disliked as a graduate student, but I don’t know if I can hold off too long, the force is strong in me, I feel it.


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